time for change written in the sand


Picture of DR ARUNA


Holistic Psychiatrist

1. Normalize your sleep-wake schedule. 2. Oil pulling with sesame oil (my favorite) or coconut oil for 10 to 20 min. 3. drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning 4. Movement. 5. Last but just as important is self awareness and meditation exercises.

Here's my TOP 5 list for YOU

Closeup alarm clock having a good day with background happy woma

1. Normalize your sleep wake schedule.

We are diurnal beings, and so our circadian rhythm and timing of all biological functions is linked to the sun’s movement across the sky. Hence, waking up with the sun, eating our largest meal at noon (when the sun is at its peak in the sky), no meals after 7 pm, and going to sleep within 3 hours of
sunset is by far the single most important change you can make for your health.

So, going to bed by 9 or 10 pm and waking up by 6 am is ideal. This suggestion is derived from Ayurvedic science of Dinacharya.

Sesame seeds and oil in bottle on wooden background

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">2. Oil pulling with sesame oil (my favorite) or coconut oil for 10 to 20 min.

An ancient but contemporary self care practice from Ayurveda, pil pulling involves holding a tbsp of your favorite oil in your mouth and swishing for 10 to 20 min. Then, spit into a garbage can (if you live in colder climates like me!). Rinse your mouth with warm water and finish my gargling with warm water.

Oil pulling has many benefits – removes plaque, helps with bad breath, normalizes the oral microbiome, helps to detox the mouth and throat regions, etc.

Boy drinking water

<span data-buffer="">3. Drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning<span data-metadata="">

I like to sometimes add 1 tsp of ACV or juice of half lime. Warm water will gently stimulate our digestive fire and can aid in bowel evacuation. Lime juice or ACV will help alkalinize our body, and ACV is especially helpful for acid reflux. This ritual also helps to detox the body and hydrate after a night of fasting.


yoga downward facing dog pose

<span data-buffer="">4. Movement

Very essential to get our system going. I prefer doing gentle yoga especially Surya Namaskar (or sun salutation) sequence as this one exercise can increase flexibility and also wake up the “sun” in our bodies aka our digestive fire.

Sun Salutation
silhouette fitness girl practicing yoga on mountain

<span data-buffer="">5. Last but just as important is self-awareness and meditation exercises.<span data-buffer="">

Grounding ourselves first thing in the morning, connecting with our higher self, practicing gratitude, and learning to quiet the chatter in the mind is essential to set the emotional/energetic tone for the day.

routine clock

Now, for beginners, this may seem like a lot to do at once :). Trick is to start with easy steps. Make an intention with regard to your waking and sleeping routines. Become aware and see how these changes are affecting you. Because only with self awareness can you make empowered decisions.



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