Picture of DR ARUNA


Holistic Psychiatrist

This pasta dish is vegetarian, healthy and absolutely delicious. Plus it complies with the elimination diet requirements.

This pasta dish is vegetarian, healthy and absolutely delicious. Plus it complies with the elimination diet requirements.


Use organic ingredients as much as possible.

  1. Organic Quinoa pasta from Costco

For Pesto sauce:

  • Walnuts 1 cup

  • Falx milk – sufficient quantity to soak the walnuts.

  • Garlic cloves – 6

  • Jalapeno – 1 (deseeded if needed)

  • Parsley – ½ bunch – coarsely chopped, stems included.

  • Basil – 1 cup

  • French beans – cut in 1 inch pieces. 2 cups.

  • Spring onions – 1 bunch chopped. Separate the white and green parts.

  • Black pepper whole – 6 to 8

  • Salt to taste

  • Optional: 1 TB nutritional yeast


  1. Prepare pasta according to instructions and set aside.

  2. Pour all ingredients for the pesto sauce into a blender and blend them into a fine sauce.

  3. Heat a heavy bottomed stainless steel pan. Set heat to low medium. Add 2 tbsp EVOO.

  4. When oil is hot, add the white part of the spring onions and then the French beans and saute.

  5. When beans are half cooked, add the pasta back in and mix the pasta and the beans together. Add salt (according to taste) here to season the pasta and the beans.

  6. Finally, add the pesto sauce and mix it well with the pasta. Heat the pasta till the sauce is well mixed.

    Finally garnish with spring onions (green part), fresh black pepper (per taste) and voila – tasty, healthy, GF, DF, CF, SF, pesto pasta is ready!

This dish complies with the elimination diet requirements.



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